Systemudvidelse - Ksenia - Hybrid Alarmsystemer - Tyverialarm
ProduktnyhedVarenummer 121494Producent KseniaKS matrix BUSmatrix BUS, a wired expansion card that can operate a...På Lager
Varenummer 120653Producent KseniaKS PCBA Expansion module - auxi-1Expansion module - auxi-1 for Ksenia lares 4.0.På Lager
Varenummer 120656Producent KseniaKS mounting bracket for ergo-XMounting bracket for ergo-X reader.På Lager
Varenummer 120700Producent KseniaKS Licens XP MilestoneKsenia plugin to integrate all the lares 4.0 control ...På Lager
Varenummer 120644Producent KseniaKS Door Controller with cabinet - introDørcentral "intro" i kasse til Ksenia lares 4.0 - For...På Lager
Varenummer 119802Producent KseniaKS Mini tag with metal ringTag med nøglering, anvendes til Ksenia's Volo læsere....På Lager
Varenummer 119819Producent KseniaKS NVR 8-ch 1 SATA interfaceKsenia NVR is a device that can capture and record im...På Lager
Varenummer 119849Producent KseniaKS Transceiver/Repeater - duoEach duo BUS version enables to expand any Control Pa...På Lager
Varenummer 119862Producent KseniaKS Proximity outdoor reader - Ergo-Xergo-X keypad from Ksenia is the new user interface f...På Lager
Varenummer 119836Producent KseniaKS PCBA Expansion module for shutters - auxi-Hauxi-H is a module that can be used not only in secur...På Lager
Varenummer 119835Producent KseniaKS PCBA Expansion module 5 rele 8A - auxi-Lauxi-L is an Expansion Module with 5 Relays outputs o...På Lager
Varenummer 119834Producent KseniaKS PCBA Expansion module 5 rele 1A - auxi-Rauxi relay is a KS-BUS expansion module with 5 progra...På Lager
Varenummer 119833Producent KseniaKS PCBA Expansion module 5 inputs/outputs - auxiauxi enables to increase up to 5 (or multiples with m...På Lager
Varenummer 119832Producent KseniaKS PCBA Expansion module 10 inputs - auxiauxi 10in is an input expansion module for lares cont...På Lager
Varenummer 119826Producent KseniaKS BUS SplitterThe BUS switch module is a board of extremely compact...På Lager
Varenummer 119825Producent KseniaKS PCBA additional power station - opisopis is a device that allows to extend the BUS on two...På Lager
Varenummer 119806Producent KseniaKS 4G communicator for lares 4.0 geminogemino IoT is an IP Communicator that increases the c...På Lager
Varenummer 119805Producent KseniaKS 4-port ethernet switchswitch 4.0 is a 10/100Mbit Ethernet network switch, d...På Lager
Varenummer 119795Producent KseniaKS Load control module - energiaenergia peripheral BUS is a module for energy loads m...På Lager
Varenummer 119793Producent KseniaKS Konnex Gateway - porta 4.0porta 4.0 er en KNX kompatibel gateway som tillader i...På Lager
Varenummer 119804Producent KseniaKS Slim Plastic boxPlastic box "slim" version, passer til GSM kort eller...På Lager